
As a technology independent company, our customers can count on receiving training with a strong focus on delivering benefits, without any product-specific sales pitch.
AMT conducts numerous technical training courses for plant Engineers and Operators to assist the local staff in implementing, maintaining, and operating APC applications. We also have courses on regulatory control design and tuning to assist control engineers in improving their basic regulatory control system.  Any course can be customized to meet the specific needs of a client, based around the following:

  • DMCplus Implementation: APC controller implementation for control engineers, centered around the DMCplus technology (Geared towards intermediate and advanced users)
  • APC Controller Monitoring for Control Engineers: To assist the control engineer in monitoring and maintaining their own APC application.
  • APC Controller Monitoring for Process Engineers: Basic operation of the APC controller, and trouble-shooting techniques for the process engineer. Issues they can resolve, and when it is necessary to involve specialist control engineers.
  • Regulatory Control Configuration and Tuning: Operation and optimal configuration of the regulatory control system for proper operation of the process. PID tuning techniques, and workshops to practice the tuning discussed in class.
  • APC Operation for the Board Operator: Explanation of the operation of an APC controller, and proper techniques for the operator to interact with and troubleshoot the controller. Typically centered around DMCplus controllers, but can be customized for technology in use at the plant.

Traditional and Advanced Process Control training

AMT offers standard training courses and workshops in traditional and multivariable advanced control technologies.

  • DMCplus intermediate users workshop
  • DMCplus tips and tricks for advanced users workshop
  • ProfitController Implementation workshop
  • Inferentials and soft sensors workshop
  • Configuring and tuning PID regulatory control loops

The training courses are usually offered on site and are tailored to specific site needs; they normally include working with actual plant data and controller problems from the site to bring maximum 'hands on' benefit from the workshops. Courses can also be presented at AMT's offices in Europe and the USA. AMT currently provide public training workshops in Cardiff and will soon schedule workshops in Houston
Details on upcoming training workshops are available from - please send us an email for further information.

What clients are saying:

"AMT's Workshops have been used to both train engineers new to the field and to share best practises among seasoned advanced control professionals within BP. Staff at our Australian, European and North American refineries have all benefited from the workshops and we expect to continue sending people in the future."

Keith Landells
Advanced Control Advisor
BP Oil Refining Technology

"Finding adapted and efficient training courses in the APC world is a challenge. For both TOTAL Refineries and Petrochemicals sites, AMT workshops have always given the right answer to the need, giving our engineers an efficient way to share knowledge with other professionals around the world. We are looking forward to new courses and expect to attend these in the future."

Laurent Ferrari & Vincent Boudier

"I've been on a few MPC courses in my day, and this one was the best. What I especially appreciated was the focus on real-life design issues and practical solutions, without trying to sell the technology."

Petrus Koller
Adcon Engineer
Chevron, Cape Town Refinery

"The course is an excellent practical grounding in the workings and use of DMC. It will give you the tools to be able to go back to your plant and implement a DMC on your process. AMT staff are very knowledgeable and very forthcoming with that knowledge."

Dave Hillier
Advanced Control Group
Petroplus Coryton Refinery